12 Kg weight loss in just 90 days test4
I am Mr. Arun Shinde , from Andheri Mumbai, Maharashtra* i am civil and painting contractor by profession.
Age: 48 years.
Height: 5 ft 6 inch,
My Transformation Story
Report compared from: 14th March 2018 to 14th June 2018
On 14th March 2018*
HbA1c: 6.8
Weight: 88.6 kgs
Fasting insulin: 6.4
Waist circumference: 42 inch
On 14th April 2018
HbA1c: 6.3
Weight: 82 kgs
Fasting insulin: 10.5
Waist circumference: 38.5 inch
On 14th June 2018
HbA1c: 6.0
Weight: 76.4 kgs
Fasting insulin: 17
Waist circumference: 36 inch
Total 12.2 kgs weight lost in 90 days and HbA1C reduced by 0.8 and Fasting insulin increased by 10.6, waist circumference reduced by 6 inches.
In 4 months time I lost 14 kg weight.
I watched youtube video of Dr. Dixit’s lecture and started the diet plan from 14th march 2018. I take 2 meals a day and only water in between.i walk for 10 km a day. Also black tea in morning and evening. My wife lost 10 kgs weight by following this diet plan and my son lost 5 kgs.
I have stop taking all the medicines related to diabetes by Dr. Dixit’s advise. Our family is on right path now.
*I now feel happy and energetic.*
*Thanks to Dr. Dixit sir for his valuable guidance and his team also*